Positive Affirmations for Anxiety: A Step Towards Better Mental Health

positive affirmations for anxiety

Positive Affirmations for Anxiety: A Step Towards Better Mental Health


We live in a world filled with anxious people. Almost everyone is anxious about one thing or the other. But just because it is common doesn't mean that we have to leave it at that. Proper treatment and the right support are essential to get rid of this menace. Let us get to know anxiety up close, shall we?

Taking A Closer Look At Anxiety

Anxiety is a complex psychological phenomenon characterized by a state of heightened arousal and apprehension, often accompanied by cognitive, emotional, and physiological manifestations. Worry includes complicated neurobiological processes in the brain and central nervous system, particularly in the limbic system and its associated structures like the amygdala and hippocampus. These brain regions are crucial for memory and emotional processing. They store and retrieve worry-related data. (Better to avoid too much of neurobiologcial perspective)

GABA (gamma-aminobutyric acid), serotonin, and norepinephrine neurotransmitter systems induce anxiety disorders. GABA relaxes brain circuits. However, serotonin and norepinephrine alter mood and activity. Unbalanced neurotransmitter systems can create aberrant brain impulses and worsen anxiety. Skewed ideas and overthinking the future, typically accompanied by a strong sensation of risk, are cognitive symptoms of anxiety. These brain processes can perpetuate anxiety by promoting undesirable thoughts and beliefs.

What Causes Anxiety?

Just like how there are different types of anxiety, the causes of it are also different. Let us look at some of the most common causes of anxiety:

Genetic Factors

Genetic factors have a great role in the development of anxiety disorders, with heritability estimates ranging from 30% to 50%. Twin, family, and adoption studies have shown that those with a family history of any sort of anxiety disorder are more likely to come to develop them. Neurotransmitter regulatory genes like SLC6A4 and GABA receptor genes are typically linked to anxiety. Anxiety is polygenic, highlighting the complex interaction of several genetic variations that each slightly affect susceptibility.

Neurobiological Factors

The actions of the limbic system are closely linked to anxiety. The amygdala, which handles feelings, is activated by anxiety conditions. Problems with the prefrontal cortex, the part of the brain that controls feelings, can make it hard to keep your emotions in check. Anxiety can happen when GABAergic regulation is weak, and serotonin and noradrenergic signaling is changed.

Environmental Stressors

Environmental stressors significantly contribute to anxiety disorders. Chronic stress, especially during crucial development, may affect stress response gene expression through epigenetic alterations. Traumatic events like physical or sexual abuse increase the chances of anxiety problems later in life. The diathesis- stress paradigm suggests that genetically predisposed people may only acquire anxiety problems under severe environmental stress.

Psychological Factors

Anxiety comes from thinking in ways that aren't helpful. Anxious thought patterns include thinking about the worst-case scenario and only focusing on threats that are important to you. Early-life faulty models make people more aware of danger and less able to control their actions. The dual-process theory says that anxious symptoms are kept alive by automatic, emotionally driven processes. Cognitive-behavioral therapies help people with worry by revealing and changing their flawed ways of thinking. Certain personality traits, like neuroticism, perfectionism, low self-esteem or high sensitivity, can predispose individuals to anxiety disorders.

Different Types of Anxiety

Anxiety disorders are a wide group of conditions marked by intense worry, fear, and dread that can make it very hard to go about daily life.

Generalized Anxiety Disorder (GAD)

People with Generalized Anxiety Disorder worry too much and too often about many everyday things, like their health, work, relationships, and money. People who have GAD often have a hard time controlling their worry, and the anxiety isn't just caused by certain scenarios.

Panic Disorder

Panic Disorder causes abrupt, severe panic episodes with heartbeats, perspiration, shaking, and a sensation of impending doom. Individuals experiencing panic disorder avoid specific places or situations that they anticipate might trigger panic episodes. Panic disorder might also coexist with conditions like agoraphobia (fear of being in places where escape might be difficult) or depression.

Specific Phobia

Specific phobia, stems from an intense and irrational fear triggered by a specific object, situation, or activity. This fear typically evokes immediate and intense anxiety or panic when exposed to the feared stimulus. Individuals often go to extreme lengths to avoid encountering what they fear, leading to substantial disruptions in their daily routines and functioning. Specific phobias, encompassing fears like heights, flying, or needles, can significantly impact one's professional life, relationships, and overall mental well-being, resulting in considerable distress and impairment

Social Anxiety Disorder (SAD)

Social Anxiety Disorder majorly involves an intense fear of social situations and scrutiny by others. Individuals with SAD may fear embarrassment or negative evaluation, leading to avoidance of social interactions. Performance situations, such as the ones like public speaking or eating in public, can trigger significant distress.

Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)

Stressful events like war, sexual assault, or natural disasters cause PTSD. Memory joggers, flashbacks, nightmares, avoiding triggers, and hypervigilance are indications. PTSD may persist for years after a distressing experience, making daily life difficult.

What Are The Symptoms Of Anxiety?

Anxiety symptoms range in severity and duration across cognitive, emotional, behavioral, and physiological domains. Note that occasional anxiety is natural, but chronic, severe, or disruptive anxiety may suggest an anxiety disorder. Common anxiety symptoms:

  • Extreme worry: Uncontrollable thoughts about many issues,
  • Racing thoughts: Uncontrollable ideas that rush quickly.
  • A persistent feeling of worry or impending disaster.
  • Hypersensitivity and irritability.
  • Fear of embarrassment or being judged negatively.
  • Restlessness: Constant tension and a strong need to move or do something.
  • Avoidance: Avoiding circumstances or actions that cause anxiety.
  • Delaying or delaying duties due to nervousness.
  • Diversions from everyday routines due to worry.

30 Best Positive Affirmations for Anxiety

Anxiety is somewhat of a common disorder when it comes to people of our day and age. But this doesn't mean anxiety has to be left alone. You can use these positive affirmations to get over anxiety in your everyday life:

  • I welcome a feeling of calm into my life.
  • I give myself permission to feel this way without judgment.
  • It’s okay. Everything will be fine.
  • I am brave.
  • I open my soul to peace.
  • I am in control of my day.
  • I can do this.
  • I am cool, calm, and collected.
  • I’m trying my best, and that is enough.
  • I can surmount any and all situations.
  • I am feeling relaxed.
  • I am breathing slowly.
  • Everything is okay.
  • I am safe and in control.
  • I have done this before, and I can do it again.
  • This, too, shall pass.
  • I am strong.
  • I trust myself.
  • I am capable.
  • I take things one day at a time.
  • I am very much open to this experience
  • I am open-hearted and happy.
  • I can choose to respond in a way that aligns with my values
  • My anxiety does not influence my decisions.
  • It may be possible, but it is not always probable
  • I trust myself to handle even the hardest situations
  • I can sit in the discomfort, if that moves me towards my values
  • I see myself and see my strength, resilience, and my authenticity
  • I can show up as the person I want to be even if I feel anxious
  • Nothing can disrupt my peace.

Nip It In The Bud

If anxiety is something you have been battling with for quite some time now and affirmations help only so much, then it is time for you to take things up a notch. Zivanza is home to excellent psychologists who have years of experience in treating anxiety. Our experts are all ears, so all you have to do is make a call.


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