The pros and cons of social media on mental health

pros and cons of social media

The pros and cons of social media on mental health

Today, social media has become inseparable from most of us. It has touched almost every aspect of our lives, and this is not likely to change. Social media platforms such as Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Snapchat, and YouTube are finding more applications in our lives every day, and with this, the number of users is ever increasing. However, it is important to understand how it impacts our behavior, thinking patterns, and lifestyle. This blog discusses the pros and cons of social media on mental health.


The pros of social media on mental health


  • Connectivity and emotional support

One of the greatest benefits of social media is that it serves as a virtual bridge to connect families and friends worldwide. In addition, on social media, one can make new connections and build new relationships. Also, there are many online support groups where an individual can seek help.

  • Awareness 

Social media provides a platform for sharing stories, narratives, and photos. It presents facts and data in a consumable way, which engages an audience by helping them understand. In addition, social media makes it possible to create networks, community help centers, and forums that can address the issues that don’t make it to the headlines because of their delicate nature. Such issues include drug abuse and addiction, violence, anxiety, depression, bullying, and domestic violence.

  • Creativity and self-expression

Social media is a great platform for one to express their personality and build their identity by showing what they care about. By sharing your thoughts and opinions or showcasing your talents with millions of people online, you not only afford a creative outlet for self-expression, but you can also eliminate your negative emotions.

  • Access to information

Social media allows you to access a vast network of knowledge. You can learn about any topic you are interested in by participating in online forums or joining different social groups. In these online groups, you can not only ask questions about your topic of interest but also seek advice from those with more experience.


The cons of social media on mental health


  • Asocial behavior and mental health problems

It is not unknown that frequent use of social media makes a person more susceptible to mental health issues. The excess use of social media and too much interaction of a person with digital tools leads to less interaction with real people. This asocial behavior results in increased feelings of loneliness and isolation.

  • Cyberbullying

With the growing popularity of social media, the rate of online harassment and bullying has also increased. Social media platforms allow cyber bullies to make hurtful and emotionally scarring comments anonymously. It has been found that people most involved in cyberbullying are teenagers who are addicted to social media. Cyberbullying induces fear in victims, causing them to suffer from anxiety and depression. It is essential that parent's monitor their child's online activity and schools educate children about cyberbullying.

  • Misinformation

Social networks are filled with large piles of misinformation, which often misleads the public to make wrong decisions, stimulates negative public emotions and creates further division and polarization in various groups. Most users who generate misinformation do not share accurate information too, so it often gets difficult to tease out the effect of misinformation. It is important that you seek out trusted sources for information.

  • Self esteem issues

It is very natural to start comparing your life to  the  glamorous snippets posted by celebrities and influencers on a daily basis. This may make you feel that others lives are so much more fun and wonderful than yours. It is important not to fall into this trap of believing everything you see on social media .

  • Sleep problems

Excessive scrolling on social media especially late at night keeps your mind overstimulated and does not allow it to go into a restfull state. Light from the phone or devices affects melatonin production and disturbs your sleep onset and quality.

  • Internet addiction

Algorithms of gaming and scrolling are designed to keep you hooked. The more time you spend on them the more money the creators make. If you want to test that are you addicted or not. Try deleting the app from your phone for a day and note how badly you want to reinstall it and use it just once. The truth is there is nothing happening in the digital world which is urgent or unavoidable . Most of us will realise that we are not using it just recreationally anymore and have gotten hooked on to the constant overstimulation.


Zivanza Quarternary Care is a renowned medical center in Dubai that provides the best care for your mental and behavioral health. We have the top consultant psychiatrist and anxiety therapist in Dubai who provide treatment for a range of mental health conditions such as anxiety, depression, personality disorders, alcohol and other addiction disorders, and more. Book an appointment with us to consult our experts.

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