
emotional intelligence

Understanding The Role Of Emotional Intelligence In Daily Life

We have all come across the term ‘emotional intelligence’ at some point in our life. The frequency of it coming up in our daily lives has only increased.

  • Psychology
  • 16 Jul 2024
teenage addiction

Addressing Internet Addiction Among Teenagers

No one can imagine a life without the internet today. This is the same for adults and kids alike. But this is fine because the internet does come with its own set of advantages.

  • Child Psychology
  • 16 Jul 2024
ADHD in women

ADHD in Women: An Insightful Look

We all struggle with paying attention to things for a longer period. But some people struggle more than an average human when it comes to sitting still or holding their attention.

  • Adhd Management
  • 16 Jul 2024
how to manage guilt

Balancing Act: Working Mothers and Guilt Management

Mothers wear multiple hats in their daily life. Especially the ones who have to handle a 9 to 5 job amidst handling everything else. Even after doing so much, it is common for them to feel guilty when it comes to their kids.

  • Psychology
  • 16 Jul 2024
cultivating self esteem

Cultivating Self-Esteem Regardless of Circumstances

A lot of us struggle with self-esteem. The problem is that only a few people correctly recognize that their problem lies in low self-esteem.

  • Psychology
  • 16 Jul 2024
healthy worry

Dealing with Uncertainty: The Art of Healthy Worrying

We all worry about things in our lives. But there are times when worrying gets the best of us and we do not get an opportunity to truly appreciate the life we live in.

  • Anxiety Disorders
  • 16 Jul 2024

Do Boys Develop Language Skills Later Than Girls?

Language skills are the most basic and one of the first skills we develop as a child. It heps us navigate through life and also convey our feelings to others.

  • Psychology
  • 16 Jul 2024
adjustment disorder

How to Provide Support for Someone with Adjustment Disorder

People who have to go through mental illnesses often fight a silent battle against their own demons. People who associate with them do not often understand the depth of agony these individuals go through.

  • Psychology
  • 16 Jul 2024

Laughter: A Powerful Tool for Weathering Life's Storms

We often hear people say laughter is the best medicine. Turns out, laughter indeed has a ton of benefits when it comes to facing life. Although we never give it much thought,

  • Psychology
  • 16 Jul 2024
Midlife crisis

Midlife Crisis in Men: Psychological Phenomenon or Tangible Reality?

We have all heard of people going through mid-life crises. But have we ever actually stopped to think about what exactly it is and how it affects people? If not, then here is a chance to understand this phenomenon better.

  • Psychology
  • 16 Jul 2024