
 Types of Psychotherapy

Different Types of Psychotherapy: Which is Best For You?

Did you know that nearly one in five adults in the United States lives with a mental health condition? Many battle silently, not knowing where to turn, whether it's anxiety, despair, or something else. The great range of treatment choices can be taxing and cause people to feel disoriented and uncertain about the best course forward.

  • 03 Sep 2024
Psychologist vs. Psychiatrist

Difference Between Clinical Psychologist and Psychiatrist

There are so many solutions available when you're dealing with mental health problems that it might be daunting. Do you need a clinical psychologist or a psychiatrist? The difference is only sometimes noticeable. Hence, many people are bewildered and unsure about where to seek assistance.

  • 03 Sep 2024
 OCD and Neurodivergence

Are People With OCD Considered Neurodivergent?

"Ever felt like your mind is a carousel that won't stop spinning? That's how OCD can be—more than just a preference for order and cleanliness. It's like having your brain switch channels uncontrollably, looping back to the same obsessions and tasks, over and over."

  • 03 Sep 2024
Therapy for Mental Health

Any Experience with Person-Centered Therapy?

Did you know that approximately 1 in 5 adults in the United States experiences mental illness each year? Despite this startling number, many still struggle to discover appropriate treatment techniques that fit their particular needs and experiences. From working with the stigma around mental health to feeling misinterpreted by conventional treatment approaches, negotiating the road to emotional well-being may be frightening and isolating.

  • 03 Sep 2024
Parenting Tips

10 Do's and 5 Don'ts for Parents of Kids with OCD

OCD affects around one in every two hundred children and teenagers. For the child and their family, this common but sometimes misunderstood illness can make daily life difficult. Many times, parents are negotiating a minefield of compulsive behaviors and rituals without knowing how to best help their child without supporting OCD habits.

  • 03 Sep 2024
7 Types of OCD

7 Different Types of OCD & Intrusive Thoughts

Did you know that about 2 to 3 % of people around the world have Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD)? OCD doesn't just look like doing the same things repeatedly, it can show up in many other ways like unwanted thoughts that are upsetting and get in the way of daily life. A lot of people deal with these unwanted thoughts in silence because they feel alone in their battle to take care of their mental health.

  • 03 Sep 2024
 OCD in Young Adults

Signs of OCD in Young Adults

For many young adults, OCD isn't just a quirky habit—it's a daily struggle. Imagine being caught in a cycle of bothersome ideas and routines that erode your time and peace of mind. This can affect your education, social life, and general happiness in addition to being bothersome.

  • 03 Sep 2024
Impact of OCD

Suffering In Silence Made My OCD Symptoms Worse

Studies show that up to 25% of people with OCD wait more than ten years before getting help. A lot of people suffer in silence, stuck in a loop of unwanted thoughts and needless actions. Isolation often makes symptoms worse, turning the mind into a private battleground. But breaking the silence is often the first thing that helps people get better. You can get out from under the control of your OCD by talking to a trusted friend, joining a support group, or getting help from a mental health professional.

  • 03 Sep 2024
What is OCD

What is OCD? A Complete Guide to Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder

OCD is more than just a quirky habit. Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD) affects around 2 to 3% of the worldwide population and can take over someone's life. Often misinterpreted by those close to them, many patients find themselves caught in a draining loop of intrusive thoughts and compulsive activities.

  • 03 Sep 2024
Compulsive Behaviors in OCD

What is the most common kind of compulsive behavior?

Compulsive habits may be like invisible shackles controlling everyday activities and ensnaring people in an anxious and relieving loop. Many people discretely battle these habits while feeling alone and misinterpreted. Often resulting in great stress, this battle influences both personal and professional life.

  • 03 Sep 2024